Jumat, 23 Juli 2010
Bynamics tomorrow! Cannot wait @ 08.07
BYNAMIC is tomorrowwww :D :D
I can't wait!
Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010
PIM shopping before hardwork! @ 20.30
Hey ,bloggie!
Kemaren gue ke pim sama keluarga. Pertama2 sih kita ke Kemang,trs ke toko bistro baguuuuuuuuuuuus banget namanya
Fj'L ya itu tuh imported clothes semua. Ada
Macy's , ada
TyTe. Dan ada gt dress gue lupa mereknya apa ,itu tuh bagus bgt model mosaic pink-black-magenta..trs pas gue liat harga nya..2 jt. Fine.
Nyokap ama kaka gue ga beli apa2 cuma betulin jeans hadiah dari sodara (betulin jeans di tempat kayak gini?-_-)
Terus kita ke Ulfa's. Itu kayak penjahit gt (nah knp jeans nya ga dibetulin disini? It's a mystery.) Eh tapi orangnya gaada jadi kita ke Pim!!
Disana beli buku tulis ( buku tulis gue kurang banyak bgt) trs beli baju renang buat sekolah (
Arena, tankini. High top tankini) Trs beli shorts di
Baleno. Sempet mau beli rok di
Mango tapi gaboleh-_-
Dan ooooomigoooood tadi di TGA sempet baca TeenVogue yg edisi Agustus itu covernya Demi-Joe (i dont care) tapi itu di Index ada Jeans-Leg warmers dari
TyTe (yes,
TyTe was in
Fj'L! ) itu keren. banget.
Jadi jeans nya tuh disambung leg warmers gitu trs ada yg coraknya bagus bgt *ngiler*. Ada sih di Spore,tapi paling gue masih lama ke Spore.
The rest of the night was boring...Makan di Sushi Groove..etc~
Oke bye bloggie *smoochie smoochie*
P.S : Sori kalo kesannya belagu. but this is for real. i'm not showing off.
Hey,if i'm really happy talking about fashion,i'm never gonna stop.Label: My cycle of life.
Jumat, 16 Juli 2010
STRESSED @ 06.12
This isn't grade 9. It's hell. I'm in 9C. Ok,so i'm in the same class with Deby and Ray and Jo. But omg i got some bullying guys,i got an annoying person as well.
Mr Josh,our CA is cool. He's superb funny but i can tell that if he's mad,he blows.
Wanna know whats really fucked up? The schedule and the books. Omigod,THE BOOKS!!
I've got two Mathematics books, one with a total of
418 pages and a workbook of 177 pages,plus a notebook.
Two economic books,one with total of
605 pages,a workbook with 242 pages and a notebook.
Two Biology books, one with total of
450 pages and a workbook of 182 pages and a notebook.
Two Chemistry books,one with total of
452 pages and a workbook of 180 pages and a notebook.
Two Physics books,one with total of 336 pages and a workbook of 180 pages and a notebook.
Two Geography books,one with total of
280 pages and a workbook of 160 pages and a notebook.
One Sociology book with total of
470 pages and a notebook.
I have to
carry all the books in my bag plus my agenda and my binder and my pencil case,all the workbooks around my arms and a flamingo map.
And, (this one is,like,REALLY fucked up)
Thats right,people,my school has an excellent facility,including a fine elevator ,which we students ARE
NOT ALLOWED to use ,except we're injured.
I'm sure gonna loose a few kilos and fats and get skinnier but omigod i'm
never getting any taller. Somebody---help me.

EXTREME FEAR.Label: My cycle of life.
Rabu, 14 Juli 2010
Amour? Peut-être. Avc un garçon dans MSN. @ 00.36
Très loyal.
Très attrayant.
Très drôle.
Pas du tout.
Il est seulement un ami dns le monde Internet. Il est de Bandung, mais il va revenir à Turki en Septembre.
Au revoir, charmant garçon.
Label: My cycle of life.
Selasa, 13 Juli 2010
POD! Tomorrow,school. Oh,poor poor. @ 23.47
Hari ini ada Parents Orientation Day. Itu tuh acara sehari sblm sekolah,jd ortu kita kesana trs dijelasin gt tentang tahun ajaran baru trs ada tour ke kelas2 sama kenalan sama walikelasnya.
Gue masuk 9C,General Class bareng Deby,Dhea,Jo,Inta,Pam,Janice,Micca,Marissa,Astrid sama Alyssa. Sama siapa lagi yaa cowoknya Adrian doang yg gue inget hehehe.
CA nya Mr Josh. Belom pernah ketemu tuh. Hem-_-
Demiapapun gue males banget itu kelas nya di lantai 4, lift gaboleh dipake. Trs ada UN,ada Cambridge Test. Hedeeeeeehhh -_-
Tadi nyokap tuh nyebelin bgt deh. Diakan blm sarapan trus lagi PMS gitu-_-
Kan dia lg ikut seminar apalah itu yg gapenting,yaudah daripada gue cengo disebelah dia ya gue keluar,ketemu Wike,Nana,Hosi sama Gaby trs gue jalan aja ke Coffee Toffee. Eh pas seminarnya udh selesai gue lgsg ke Multifunction Hall kan.
Si nyokap udh keliatan eh dia nelpon2 siapa gt yaudah gue ngobrol dulu. Tiba2 dia manggil tereak gt trs dia dateng marah2 katanya ditelponin gabisa.
Idih? Orang daritadi hp gue ditangan. Ternyata dia nelpon ke nomer yg salah trs dia marah2 gt hiiiiii~
Akhirnya dia makan roti sama minum kopi trs dia tenang lagi. Amindeh.
Btw gue paling hri ini ke teko mau beli buku tulis,alat tulis,map,binder,dll.
Label: My cycle of life.
This is a really good book. Read it!
Feuds. Dudes. Attitudes.
You're not wearing that,are you?
Four high school girls who love fashion (but hate each other) are forced together to create a designer label for their exclusive LA private school. Can a cool coquette,a shy punk,a ghetto-glam egomaniac, and a hippie goddess make a peace for couture? Welcome to Winston Prep----where wardrobe means war.
Introducing a juicy new series from the publisher of the national bestselling series Gossip Girl, The Clique, The It Girl and The A-List.Label: Books and others~
Senin, 12 Juli 2010
Celebrities. @ 23.26
I love:
Boy Celebs:
1.Taylor Lautner
2.Josh Hutcherson
3.Justin Bieber
4.Chris Colfer
Girl Celebs:
1.Emma Roberts
2.Selena Gomez
3.Emma Watson
4.Reese Whiterhorn
5.Dakota Fanning
6.Anna Sophia Robb
Label: Randomshits
Yeah,well, i only have one available photo,since not many really take photos during parties. Some of the photos are still in a mobile device. So here is when i attend a home party with my cousie and friends
And the one next to me is not my cousin btw. My cousie,
Savanah is having a slowdance with her boyf. Yes,i'm just super jealous. Ok,so this is my end year party..
Some games too
Thats pretty much all i've got,so... yeah.
Label: Photos included
Well,as i promised in my last entry,i will list some songs.
-Toy Friend-David Guetta
-Getting Over You-David Guetta
-Sexy Bitch-David Guetta
-Like A G6 - Far East Movement ft The Cataracs
-Pon De Floor-Major Lazer
-Blame It On The Alcohol-Jamie Foxx
-Carry Out-Timbaland ft Justin Timberlake
-Day N' Nite- Kid Cudi Crooker's remix
-Ring a ling- Black Eyed Peas
And for the slowdance, here are some suggestions
-You Give Me Something- (i forgot :p )
-The Only Exception - Paramore
-With You
-One Less Lonely Girl- Justin Bieber
And..i don't really know about slow songs,but most of the pop songs can do it.
Kay,then,thats it! Smoochies <3
Label: My Ipod
As you know,i love to party. Whoever created the first home party really knows how to cheer up life.
Main things that a party must have,or what the guests must have is..
-An outfit.
Duh. Not too formal,but not too messy either. Perfect one? Look down here
And this Armani sequined dress are just superb perfect. One word: BLING.
You can get perfect yet simple party dresses at Topshop,Forever 21,Macy's. Those are my 3 best stores.
Who doesn't like a good music? A party means disco,techno,something that can make everybody move to the dancefloor.
The trick is to give all the technos and discos at first,then slip a slow song for a slowdance,and then rock the technos again. I'm gonna make a list after this---the songs i like the most for parties.
Now we don't want anyone getting sick of cakes and stuffed up burgers. Snacks are the most OK. And we don't want anyone having a slipped food between their teeths either. So,serve some drinks. Coca cola,sprite and Fanta can do the work. But for parties that includes wild-hard-party-people, you might wanna serve 2 or 3 bottles of Mix Max. But you can either don't serve any or hide it.
Thats all from me that i can suggest. I have some photos of me and some other kids partying later.
Au revoir!
Label: My advice.Ignorance is welcome.
Hi,people. It's just me.
I'm starting this blog because i'm about to face the most boring and scary thing that is up on my current life= THE 9TH GRADE NATIONAL EXAMS AND CAMBRIDGE EXAM.
Therefore,to release my stress,i decided to write on a blog. I might not be updated. But once i am,i will tell a long story.
Rock the day ;) <3
Label: My cycle of life.